Forecast (data)

For information on how we generate the forecast, please visit the Principles of Forecasting page.

Forecast hourly ranges for STJ
Date Hour Hourly range (nT)
2025-03-16 3 8.0
2025-03-16 4 8.0
2025-03-16 5 8.0
2025-03-16 6 9.0
2025-03-16 7 10.0
2025-03-16 8 10.0
2025-03-16 9 12.0
2025-03-16 10 16.0
2025-03-16 11 19.0
2025-03-16 12 19.0
2025-03-16 13 16.0
2025-03-16 14 14.0
2025-03-16 15 15.0
2025-03-16 16 15.0
2025-03-16 17 17.0
2025-03-16 18 18.0
2025-03-16 19 17.0
2025-03-16 20 15.0
2025-03-16 21 14.0
2025-03-16 22 13.0
2025-03-16 23 12.0
2025-03-17 0 12.0
2025-03-17 1 13.0
2025-03-17 2 13.0
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